sexta-feira, 27 de outubro de 2017

Um comentário:

  1. Hi there, just writing you in order to ask you for a favour or some help ;)
    I want you to present and notice there about my new label, i would be really thankeful, to let people know Unleashed Power Productions

    I just re-released 2 cds in a row (Bathym and Deflagration, two old death metal bands from the 90s), and 'm going to release one comp in the next weeks with several bands from all over the world (Midnight, Internal Bleeding, Omission, Disevered, Iron Curtain, Tyrant Goatgaldrakona, Nuclear Revenge, Electrocution, Em Ruinas, Decayed, Omega...), so i guess until a couple of months i wont be able to manage budget for another release or booking advert space.

    If you can notice in the webzine about UPP it would be great, i feel that i need a greater support to get my label more known and recover the investment, making a minimum profit to "get by" in these first days

    I am just starting this project and
    This is my website:

    Hope all the best for the NH web and best wishes-obrigado from Madrid / Spain!!!

    José Miguel
